As a 17 year old aspiring nurse, researcher, and advocate for health equity, I spent my winter break working on applications to nursing programs, scholarships, and allowing myself time to decompress from a long first semester of senior year. While writing drafts for essays, I got to take a closer look at other reasons why I am interested in nursing and was able to do some thinking, about our world, the people who fill it, and the people who fill it. Though I did not travel, or see any places that were particularly interesting, I enjoyed spending time with myself, my family, especially my grandparents.
This year, one of my more valuable resolutions is to prioritize my health, mental and physical. I intend to put more value maintaining a balance of the two. As for my goals, what has been on my mind almost every hour of every day is gaining admission into my top school, the University of San Francisco. After entering their Nursing program, I hope to take up a minor in Public Service and Community Engagement. With that said, should I attend I would have a plethora of new places to see, things to do, people to meet, and shooting locations to explore! Some achievements this past year have been having my work displayed at the Irvine Civic Center, a showcase for the city of Tustin, and winning three "VAPA" awards!
Resolutions, Goals, Achievements, and Blessings
In this portfolio, I have been making efforts to capture ideas, rather than just visually appealing images. Specifically I have been examining the identity and experiences of women and Vietnamese Americans. However outside of my SI, I enjoy photographing nature! Whether it be in form of animals or flowers, though I tend to have more fun color grading florals.


"Little Details"

"One extra image from over the break"

"Quiet Time"